In before section we have learnt about what is simple sentence, of course in make a sentence always there is Subject and Predicate. In other words, every sentence in English must have a subject. Now I will describe about what is Subject in English. The subject is the agent of the sentence in the active voice and usually saved in front of sentence. It is person or thing that performs or is responsible for the action of the sentence, and it normally precedes the verb. The subject may be a single noun.
Let's to introduce how many Subject in English and What anything of subject?
According to amount, there are :
- Singular Noun such as : - He -She -It -
For example :
Milk (it) = singular subject
Dadang (he) = singular subject
- Plural Noun such as : -We - They - I -You
For example :
The bird
s = plural subject
- Ratih and Ratna are beautiful
Ratih and Ratna (They) = plural subject
The subject may be a noun phrase. A noun phrase is a group of words ending with a noun.
The magazine is on the table.
This new green house is Qween's
Other examples of Subjects :
- Johan drives car.
- Inggit is very tall.
-I and Sugih like banana.
- He is a teacher.
- Maisya, Hida and Dila went to movie a film.
- The weather is very good today.
- The bank closed at two o'clock.
All right, I think you understand about Subject Now. Let's to do practice about subject!